You're a refugee that must escape a planet being occupied via robot military, you need to enter the refuge ship to avoid being spotted and shot!
The refuge ship is located on the other side of a military base, which you must pass through to reach safety. Avoid being spotted by the robot militants patrolling the area, solve the areas' puzzles and clear the platforming and parkour to reach the end of the level safely! You only have so long before the ship takes off, so you have to be quick (ah, if only I had implemented a time limit).
The controls are:

WASD: Movement

Space: Jump
Mouse Movement: Menu navigation if on menu, camera movement if in game.

(Would've been if not for being complicated) Fence Climbing: Space when touching fence to latch on, space again to jump off, WASD to scale fence in any direction (according to camera direction!).
As you can tell, this prototype is incomplete and only features the barebones basics of what my game could look like, alas, college projects. This means that the prototype isn't really a playable game as much as it is a sort of 'demonstration' of what the game could act and play like.
Any ties within real life scenarios and stories and purely unintentional and coincidental. I do not intend to promote anything relating to real life within my game, as the contents are intended to be related to a made up story.

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